Life, Story

Chinese Guilt

Trying to clear your mind off stressful circumstances certainly is a healthy thing to do. Stopping by at Maaz’s place (my friend), I thought I could give him some tough time on the new FIFA 13. Well, I drew the first match and lost the second. Not a bad start for a guy playing FIFA 13 only for the first time then, right? But that’s not really why I went to his place. There’s this place at the Fortress stadium called ‘Mei Kong’, where all of my gang was finally going to meet up. Just so you know, my friends are busy with their college work while I’m taking my A’level re-sits. I know it sucks.

But that’s how I planned on clearing my mind. Finding the common ground to brew humour (finally) was definitely something I was looking up to. Except for an actor or a comedian, hanging out with friends is to either make fun of them or have fun made out of yourself – and simply put, this idea is very powerful and beautiful.

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Humour, Uncategorized

The day my childhood was ruined

This post will be vague, and I’m not going to give you any answers. The experience was traumatizing. Some of you will understand the horror, some of you won’t.

Enjoy yourself.

The Angel of Death stands in the room

Have a better look of the divine booty:


So may be this is what was missing in the Avengers!

“I need to pee”

With that, I leave you to your bouts of laughter, or curses – whatever might be the case, this day, my childhood was ruined.

