Education, Life

Here’s another article I wrote a long time ago concerning the status of women in Pakistan’s society. I think you may find this to be a good read.


No matter how much we brag about women’s rights and atrocities committed against them, one thing remains certain with any doubt: We’re confused about the approach that we must take in order to provide a counter to the status-quo. And why is that? Here’s when sometimes sociology lessons are useful – it’s not about the mindset anymore, it’s not about the mythical conceptions about woman’s weak physical nature and it’s certainly not about her frail intellectual capacity (I don’t believe this anyway) – it’s more about how the money flows. Continue reading

How Money Leaves It’s Mark

Life, Poetry, Uncategorized

Answer (Poem)

My questions reflected the dearth of sting

But they felt it nonetheless, the eyes grew wide

Mouths open, words didn’t flow, and then they closed

Their minds spurned, and then their words

I understood – that they had nothing for me to understand


I could not ask questions to others – the thirst did not stop

The mind swelled, the pain grew but I could not contest

Ignorance was at large, in me, they claimed

But those who don’t have the answers are not witty and wise

I had the questions they could not answer


Patience, however, did not exhaust – it grew more

The more you endure, the more you learn to endure

At every step, with each second, the hunger grew

No one could put the fire down but the mind of me

So I yearned for self, and I yearned for the missing pieces

Life, Story

The Local Heroes

Most students like me have the tendency to waste their long summer holidays, and then fret about the wasted time. This time, I thought it would be a good idea to do something productive, not only for myself, but for others as well. One of such opportunities presented itself  a few days ago, when my mom’s friend just invited me to go with her to a special children’s school, where she worked. As the special school ‘Amin Maktab’ was operating due to their annual summer school, the idea sounded good – ‘the boring days will at least go away’, I thought to myself.  Continue reading

Education, Life

The End.

Going inside the examination hall for my physics exam still invoked fear. 40 marks could change everything, so an ox’s effort was required. Having not slept for the past 20 hours, the eye-lids were getting heavier as each second ticked by. Facing such adversities, I sat on my special Cambridge-provided wooden chair, which by the way, felt a little larger than usual – so that was another reason for feeling uncomfortable. And finally when the paper started, all other thoughts drifted into the background as I was battling the paradoxes involved in the study of matter. Continue reading

Dreams, Life

Going Crazy

We all have those crazy friends and crazy moments, when all rules of rationality are defied. These crazy moments are light, harmless and pleasing. For those brief moments, all the worries in your life are forgotten – they do not exist. While at a friend’s place, I was having one of those crazy moments. Picking up his electric guitar, I imagined myself to be in some sort of a grand concert, and as a part of a world-famous music band. I could not care less that I’m still having exams, and that my parents would fume at me when they would know how I was wasting my time.  Continue reading



Football for me is everything. I play it on my computer, I play it at the park/ground and I follow/watch all the matches of my favorite club. Therefore, when the opportunity came around to play some football at the ground about 2 months ago, I embraced it.

I live in a very small, close-knit residential society, and there are quite a lot of young people like me who love to play football. Our mutual love translated into a football team – well, somewhat a team – so we are always excited when some other team is willing to play with us. We take it as a challenge, and the sentiments we employ on the field or off the field are no different than two great teams in an international arena going face to face; such is the emotional provocation power in a game of football.

Continue reading

Humour, Uncategorized

The day my childhood was ruined

This post will be vague, and I’m not going to give you any answers. The experience was traumatizing. Some of you will understand the horror, some of you won’t.

Enjoy yourself.

The Angel of Death stands in the room

Have a better look of the divine booty:


So may be this is what was missing in the Avengers!

“I need to pee”

With that, I leave you to your bouts of laughter, or curses – whatever might be the case, this day, my childhood was ruined.

